Monday, June 5, 2017

Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired

Why am I writing this blog? Accountability. I don't intend for one person to read this blog, but it's important to me. I need to be able to recap the day and see my areas of weakness, as well as look at my accomplishments.

Hopefully 90 posts from now, I am showing AFTER pics. We'll see.

So today was huge for me, it was Day 1. I didn't write out a big huge diet plan. I didn't run to the store and load my cart down with super foods. I didn't join Beach Body, or get a trainer. I simply made good choices.

After looking at my weight on the scale and seeing a whopping 179, AND after going in Rue21 (my favorite store) trying on ALL large pieces and not having ONE fit. Also, trying on size 13/14 size shorts and yes, they buckled but yuck, they weren't pretty....I have decided...I am done. I am done with the excuses, I am done putting it off. I am done with bored eating. I am done with having such an addiction to sweets.

So today, I woke up strong and did well. Here's how today went:

Woke up and didn't immediately drink anything. Which we didn't really have time.

On the way out the door to church, I grabbed a chilled can Coke. I love having a colAfterd pop in the morning. I don't know if I'm READY to break this habit. I am willing to give up EVERYTHING but my morning pop. I am willing to jump to diet, and NO.MORE.CANS. They are too easy to grab & I love cold drinks that have been chilled in the fridge. No mas!

After church, we went to my parents house. They grilled burgers and yes, I did have one BUT I first had about 3 strawberries, a huge salad, vegetables FROM pasta salad, and then the burger. Oh, and I drink a bottle of WATER! Yes, WATERRRR!

Brandon & I ran to Wal Mart to grab stuff for the new pool deck & like USUAL, I grabbed a chilled bottle of pop BUT, it was a Coke Zero (and it was actually pretty good). Score!

We went back to my parents house to pick up the boys and I was really proud of myself because my parents had a TON of sweets in the house but I didn't eat ANYTHING sweet. I just kept thinking "Get through today. Focus on today."  (and it worked).

Not going to lie, I came home hungry. We have ALL kinds of sweets here at the house & I wanted something BAD! I ate an apple. YES, an apple! I was so proud of myself.

About 30 minutes later, I got hungry,,,again. So back to the kitchen, and I grabbed ONE cutie.

About after an hour, Brody asked for a cookie. I came inside & tried to give him a big whopping cookie with icing (I wanted them gone) but instead he wanted a pack of cream cheese crackers. So I gave that to him, put up the icing cookie & it's still on top of the fridge. Yes!

But, I gave in and had 3 chocolate chip cookies which equaled a total of 160 calories BUT that's better than that ONE icing cookie that was 220 calories PER cookie. I was proud.

So around 6 I got hungry (again) so I put in some freezer bag vegetables: Carrots, Broccoli, and Cauliflower. gross BUT I added a little steak sauce & was actually good. I ate half the bag. Got hungry after an hour and went back to eat the other half.

So that's where I am at today. I haven't worked out any but I am GOING to MAKE myself get down in the floor and do some basic exercises.

Shew, day 1 is complete. I am excited to see what my weight is tomorrow morning on the scale because I weighed in the afternoon to see that 179. I have NEVER been this big...ever!

Tomorrow is a new day and I will have the same mind-set as today. "Get through today and take it one step at a time!"

Here's to a healthy life...

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